Peaceful Passenger, The Podcast

Peaceful Passenger, The Podcast

I am Yejide, a community Servant mother. I open my Spirit, heart, and home – Nyleve’s Haven – to help humans who are in need.  Twenty-two years ago, in depression and desperation, I cried out to God: “If You are real, Prove it!!! Show up in my life in such a way that I can’t deny You and I will tell everyone about You.”

Lesson learned: Be careful what you ask of God – the Divine Creator of Heaven & Earth. With faith, you WILL get it. Back then, you couldn’t push a button and expose your thoughts and truth to the world. Now, I have numerous social media accounts to share my thoughts. I also own several domains in the Cloud to share my truth. I choose to believe that God is REAL!! My experience is that God is GOOD. This site is where I plan to record and share my journey home to serve, as a servant mother and social entrepreneur. It is also the place I will ask for the help I need to make a positive difference in my community, the West End of Louisville, Kentucky.

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