My father C. L. Travis’s great pride and joy, other than me 😉, was having his name, Travis, on Broadway. He knew when Black people could not own property or live on Broadway, in Louisville, Kentucky. My parents, C. L. & Evelyn Travis, owned a business, lived on and raised me, on Broadway. I intend to return the Travis name to Broadway as a symbol of community service. I feel called to live in service contributing to my community. Having the Travis name on Broadway will mean providing creative opportunities and effective tools for those in need and the West End community to be, do, have, and create BETTER. The Travis Building on Broadway will be home to Nyleve’s Haven Community Resource Center.
I am seeking the first one thousand investors on my way to M1llion social impact investors. This space in the Cloud explains who I am, what I do, and why YOU want to be M1llion social impact investors with YOUR name on Broadway, in lights!!! Our names on Broadway in the Derby City will help provide for those in need and help servants, serve, in the West End of Louisville, Ky.